Friday, September 18, 2009

Consult a Car Accident Lawyer With Knowledge of Your City


Savvy Seal Beach car accident lawyers are also aware of this city's many traffic problems. They know, for example, that Pacific Coast Highway runs through the city and is often the site of accidents caused by speeding and drunk drivers. They know that there are no barriers separating cars approaching each other from opposite directions on PCH, so drivers who lose control of their vehicles sometimes cross over into oncoming traffic. Sadly, these collisions are almost always fatal. Moreover, the busy six-lane state highway can be especially difficult to cross for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Another problem car collision lawyers are aware of is that there are many alcohol establishments on Main Street. These can create a potential for more car accidents, especially after midnight, when drunks tend to hit the road.

Still another source of potential danger is the manner in which many motorists navigate the wide, curving stretches of Seal Beach Boulevard. The street winds through the Leisure World retirement community and a Naval Weapons Station housing area. The thoroughfare serves as the main artery between the central part of the city and the San Diego Freeway. What makes Seal Beach Boulevard so dangerous is that many motorists speed through it as they rush to and from town.

If you suffer the misfortune of being injured in a car accident, you should, at the very least, become familiar with the traffic conditions and accident history of the city so you can quickly tell you if your case is worth pursuing.

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