Friday, September 18, 2009

Contract management software


Contract Management Software allows organizations to effectively manage the various types of contracts they engage in, including: buy side, sell side, and non monetary.

This type of software can help an organization:

  • create boiler plate templates that would help in ensuring consistent contract creation that has been sanctioned by the organization's legal group,
  • assist in versioning documents during negotiation and award phases,
  • manage the tender / pre-contract phases of agreements ensuring that a buildup of corporate knowledge may be used for ongoing management of the contract,
  • instill contract governance rules so that each type of contract follows a pre-defined or dynamic workflow but always ensures it is within the organization's established conduct, promoting corporate consistency of process and accountability,
  • ensure visibility is available across all contracts to the authorized people,
  • notify stakeholders of impending trigger points ensuring that contract management is pro-active, not re-active,
  • validate payments, deliverables, commitments and compliance terms that are established in the actual contract, and
  • ensure compliance to negotiated terms and conditions including rates, discounts, and rebates.

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